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Latte art is difficult to create. Would-be baristas are frequently put off by a few sloppy latte pours, and the fact is that you don’t get great at it overnight.

Step 1

Begin with the cup slightly slanted away from you. This allows you to make a latte design with little movement of your pitcher hand.

Step 2

Pour steamed milk into the center of the cup. Pour the milk into the middle of the crema, holding the pitcher about one inch above the cup. Pour gradually and gently.

Step 3

Increase the pace of your pour by bringing the pitcher closer to the cup. To significantly speed up the pour, move the pitcher closer to the cup and tilt it with your thumb.

Step 4

To begin generating a zigzag pattern, softly and fluidly move the pitcher back and forth.

Step 5

Slow down till you reach the cup, then elevate the pitcher half an inch and finish the rosetta. While un-tilting the cup, move the pitcher toward the edge of the cup closest to you. To complete the rosetta, slow down your pour slightly, elevate the pitcher about a half-inch over the flat cup, and trickle a little stream of milk back across the middle of the cup.

Latte Art Designs

Steamed milk and espresso may be used to make a variety of patterns.
The first three designs displayed here are typical latte art designs: a heart, a tulip, and a rosetta.

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